Aaron Martina is an Florida based programmer and an international man of mystery. Well, he's not all that mysterious but he does travel the world now and then taking photos, eating interesting foods and diving the depths.

GWIII, Where geeks go to play in the woods.

So, I guess one might say that I have gotten into geocaching pretty hard-core. I went to my first event in Jacksonville called GeoWoodstock III. It was very cool. Well, at least to me. Got to meet tons of people and had some really outstanding BBQ chicken. Searched for tons of caches. Lost my keys. That really sucked. But as luck would have it some very nice person turned them in to an event organizer and I was able to get them back. Of course the 3 hours I spent searching and stressing over them was a wasted part of the day. Oh well. I guess I learned a lesson from it. Had a blast anyway and am inspired to do more caching. But not until tomorrow :-)

Bruised shins and sunburn

Little Big Econ Forest