Aaron Martina is an Florida based programmer and an international man of mystery. Well, he's not all that mysterious but he does travel the world now and then taking photos, eating interesting foods and diving the depths.

Health Kick Update late August 2012

If you have been following my interests as of late then you would know that I am on a health kick. As part of this self-imposed improvement program I have made sharing my progress (or lack of) public so that you, my family and friends, can assist in motivating me.

I'm trying to climb back onto the wagon that I so thoroughly fell off of during the summer months. I have the ability and desire to concentrate more on my efforts to better my health so I'm rebooting my program

Food Intake

I started tracking my food intake again. I had fallen into some really bad habits of eating sugary and doughy items. Also, I was overeating at most meals. I have now made an effort to eat only cereal with milk for breakfast most days of the week and for lunch I typically make a sandwich. I have an apple or banana for a snack in the late afternoon. Dinner is typically eaten out even though I did make my own a couple of nights last week. I have also not eaten many potato products over the last two weeks.


My weight has not changed at all, other than small up and down fluctuations, but I think it will only take a little time before my body starts to metabolize my reserves.


I've made it my main goal to exercise almost every day. I play wallyball for a couple of hours twice a week, kickball for two to three hours once a week, and I've been taking long walks at night on the days that I don't play a sport. I do leave one day a week without anything just so that I know my body gets a little rest.

I plan on starting my couch to 5k program again but it's really difficult for me to run outside. Maybe someone has some suggestions for me.


Here is a restatement of my goals and where I am on each

  • Reduce weight to 190lbs - I'm at 224 lbs now
  • Reduce waist size to 36 inches - currently 43.5 inches
  • Ability to do 100 pushups
  • Ability to complete a 5k run - I had completed week 4 of Cto5K but I've not been running lately

Podcasts That I Enjoy - "We're Alive" & "We're Not Dead"

A Request For Input