Aaron Martina is an Florida based programmer and an international man of mystery. Well, he's not all that mysterious but he does travel the world now and then taking photos, eating interesting foods and diving the depths.

Mini-posts: Riverside Dash 5k

I don't recall if this is the third or fourth time that I have "run" this particular 5k but I still gave it what I could. I got up very early for me (I think it was around 5:30am). It was still dark but there was a very slight hint of light creeping into the sky. I had done zero jogging for the two weeks prior to this but I still laced up my shoes and trekked up to Sanford.

The actual race’s name was the Florida Hospital/CentraCare 5k and is touted as being “one of the fastest and flattest races in Florida". They even had a bell in the event/staging area for when people made a new Personal Record (PR). Today was not my day for breaking my PR.

Here's the sky before the start of the race.

Anyway, I "ran" the race and here are my results. 

Official Time: 44:41.8 https://runsignup.com/riversidedash/Results?remMeAttempt=#resultSetId-73601
Pace: 14:23
Distance*: 3.19 miles

Here's the stuff:

*calculated on iSmoothRun

Mini-posts: A Change in Hosting

Mini-posts: Bok Tower Gardens

Mini-posts: Bok Tower Gardens